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5 trending LinkedIn hashtags you should use now

Trending hashtags. Say it out loud and the last thing marketers think of is LinkedIn, right? But as the platform continues to grow in popularity, #tags have actually become essential to today's social media strategies.

Known as a marketer's best friend, hashtags are used to gain traction on myriad social media platforms. Without them, well, your posts just may slip into the nether world. That means you, too, LinkedIn #tags.

Research shows that LinkedIn posts with at least three hashtags outperformed those without any by 10%. Write that down, we'll wait. If you are not akin to using hashtags on LinkedIn, you might not know where to start. To help you get up to speed, media update's Christine Beukes decided to take a look at the Top 5 hashtags on LinkedIn. You might be surprised at what she uncovered.

Check out the infographic below:


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